Asalamu alaykum,
There was a brother some time back that I felt, truly in my heart, I had wronged. Shaytan was playing mad games with us and had our hearts and heads spinning. Today I visited his website and thought to myself, I should send him an email and say, “I love you please forgive me for being a creep.” However, I forgot and then, suddenly, I opened my email to find:
Salams Imam Suhaib,
I pray this finds you well.
Being the month of Mercy I write this with the intention of asking your forgiveness for the wrong I have done, knowingly and unknowingly, against you. May Allah increase you and your family in good these blessed last days of Ramadan. Ameen.
I ask Allah to grant us the strength to forgive others, mend fences and clean our hearts. To the brother who wrote this: I love for Allah and ask you to pardon me if I’ve done anything to you.
I don’t remember writing that email. 😛
Sempena bulan yang mulia ini, saya ambil kesempatan untuk memohon maaf zahir dan batin atas segala kesalahan. Salam aidil fitri. 😀
Asalamu alaykum,
Wow Allahu akbar. May allah forgive you, me and as well everyone.