Prophet Muhammad Sciences of Qur'an and Hadith

Prophetic Narrations You Probably Have Never Heard: A Short Compilation

Originally posted in May 2012.

Part I | Part II

As I became more advanced in my Arabic studies, I immersed myself in reading hadith (prophetic narrations) in the language spoken by our Messenger ﷺ (may the peace and blessings of God be upon him). The more I read, the more I realized how many narrations we—as the English-speaking community—have never read or heard of before. I began to mark and translate these narrations, in hopes of reminding myself and sharing them with others.

Reading the words of the Prophet ﷺ is like hearing them from his blessed lips. I feel the weight of his words and I reflect on his wisdom. Each of God’s Prophets had a special gift, and one of the gifts of our Messenger was “jawami’ al-kalam,” concise speech. He ﷺ was able to say something with so much meaning in only a few words. His words still carry great meaning even after translation.

Unfortunately, it seems we have lost respect for hadith. We say, “The Prophet ﷺ said such-and-such,” yet his words do not impact us as they should. In order to gain this respect for hadith, we should remind ourselves of who it was who said these words. We should get in a mind-set of reverence and love for him while reading his words (may God’s peace and blessings be upon him).

Reading hadith also gives us a chance to spend time with our Messenger ﷺ. He is not here with us physically but his words and actions, by God’s Blessings, have been recorded for us by the scholars of the past. In a famous incident, the scholar ibn al-Mubarak was known to leave his study circle immediately after it was completed and go straight home alone. One day, his friends asked him, “Don’t you get lonely?” He replied, “How can I be lonely when I am spending time with the Messenger and His Companions?”

While there are many narrations that are not well-known in English, I have chosen a few that have impacted me. I hope that you benefit from them as I have (all narrations have been graded “authentic” or “good”.)

  • “The believer is friendly and likeable* ((*Can also be translated as “loving and lovable”))  and there is no good in the one who is not friendly nor likeable, and the best of them are the most beneficial to the people.” (Sahih al-Jami)
  • “When Allah wants good for His slave, He occupies him with work.” The Companions asked, “And how does He occupy him with work?” The Prophet ﷺ said, “He grants him the ability and opportunity to do righteous deeds before his death, then He takes his soul in that state.” (Ahmad)
  • “When Allah wants good for His slave, He purifies him before his death.” The Companions asked, “And what is the purification for the slave?” The Prophet ﷺ said, “Righteous deeds that Allah inspires to Him until he dies upon it.” (Tabarani)
  • Abu ‘Inabah radi Allahu `anhu (may God be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet ﷺ said, “When Allah wants good for His slave, He makes him pleasant* ((*The Arabic word literally means to make sweet, from the word for honey)) .” The Companions asked, “And what makes him pleasant?” He ﷺ said, “He opens the door of righteous deeds for him before his death, then He takes his soul in that state.” (Ahmad)
  • “Indeed Shaytan (Satan) said, ‘My Lord, by Your Honor and Might! I will not stop misleading Your slaves as long as their souls remain in their bodies.’ So Allah (swt) responded, ‘By My Honor, Might and Majesty, I will not stop forgiving them as long as they seek My forgiveness.’” (Ahmad)
  • “With Allah are the treasures of good and evil and their keys are men. So glad tidings for the one who Allah makes a key for good and a lock for evil. And destruction for the one who Allah makes a key for evil and a lock for good.” (Tabarani)
  • “Among the people are those who are keys to goodness and locks to evil. And from among the people are those who are keys to evil and locks to goodness. So glad tidings to the one who Allah puts the key to goodness in his hands, and destruction to the one who Allah puts the key to evil in his hands.” (ibn Maajah)
  • “Most of the sins of the children of Adam are because of the tongue.” (Sahih al-Jami)
  • “Guard your tongue, make your house suffice for sheltering your privacy, and weep for your wrong actions.” (Sahih al-Jami)
  • “Whoever among you is able to carry out a secret good deed, then he should do it.” (Sahih al-Jami)
  • “It is not proper for a believer to debase themselves.” The Companions asked, “How can we debase ourselves?” He ﷺ responded, “By placing yourself in a situation you cannot handle.”(Tirmidhi)
  • “The angel of the left raises [and holds] his pen for six hours from the Muslim servant of Allah who has wronged or committed a mistake. So if he regrets and seeks Allah’s forgiveness from it he returns it back, and if that is not the case then it is written as one.” (Mu’jam al Kabeer)
  • “Good news is for the one who finds in his book (i.e. his book of deeds) lots of istighfar (seeking Allah’s Forgiveness).” (ibn Majah)
  • “The Lord (swt) says, ‘Whoever is busied with the Qur’an from remembrances (dhikr) and from supplicating to Me, then surely I will give him better than that which I give those who ask Me [and do not busy themselves with the Qur’an].’” (Tabarani)
  • “Whoever dies and is free from three: arrogance, grudges and debt will enter Paradise.” (Tirmidhi)
  • “Indeed a person’s status will be raised in Paradise and he will ask, ‘How is this for me?’ He will be told, ‘By your child’s seeking forgiveness for you.’” (Ibn Majah)
  • Aisha (may God be pleased with her) narrated, “I asked the Messenger of Allah about the verse: ‘And those who give that which they give with their hearts full of fear,’ (Qur’an 23:60).” She asked: “Are they those who drink wine and steal?” The Prophet ﷺ replied, “No, daughter of al-Siddiq (i.e., Abu Bakr)! Rather they are those who fast, and those who pray and those who give charity while they fear that it (their deeds) will not be accepted from them. Those! They are the ones who race in all that is good.” (Tirmidhi)
  • “Hellfire has been made forbidden for the eye which wept out of the Fear and Awe of Allah. Hellfire has been made forbidden for the eye which stayed awake and vigilant (through the night) in the Way of Allah. Hellfire has been made forbidden for the eye which looked away from that which has been forbidden by Allah.” (Hakim)
  • Umm Sulaym (may God be pleased with her) came to the Prophet and said, “O Messenger of Allah, teach me some words that I can supplicate with.” He responded, “Glorify Allah (say subhanAllah) ten times, and praise Allah (say alhamdulillah) ten times, and magnify Allah (say Allahu akbar) ten times then ask for your need, surely Allah will say, ‘Surely, I have done it. Surely, I have done it.’” (Ahmad)
  • “Purify these bodies (i.e., practice ablution/wudu) and Allah will purify you. Whenever a slave sleeps in a state of purification, an angel sleeps within his hair and he does not turn over during the night except that he [the angel] says: ‘O Allah, forgive Your slave, for he went to sleep purified.’” (Tabarani)
  • Abu Qatada (may God be pleased with him) narrated: “A funeral procession passed by Allah’s Messenger who said, ‘Relieved or relieving?’ The people asked, ‘O Prophet! What is relieved and relieving?’ He said, ‘A believer is relieved (by death) from the troubles and hardships of the world and leaves for the Mercy of Allah, while (the death of) a wicked person relieves the people, the land, the trees, (and) the animals from him.’” (Bukhari)
  • “When a slave says: laa ilaaha il Allah wa Allahu Akbar—There is no deity worthy of worship except Allah and Allah is Greater,” he said, “Allah (swt) will say: My slave has spoken the truth, there is no deity worthy of worship except for Myself and I am Greater. And when the slave says: laa ilaaa il Allahu wahdahu—There is no deity worthy of worship except Allah Alone—He (Allah) said: My slave has spoken the truth, there is no deity worthy of worship except for Myself Alone. And when he said: laa ilaaha il Allah laa shareeka lahu—There is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, He has no partner—He (Allah) said: My slave has spoken the truth, there is no deity worthy of worship except for Myself and I have no partner. And when he says, laa ilaaha il Allah lahu al mulku wa lahu al hamdu—There is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, for Him is the Dominion and for Him is the Perfect Praise—He (Allah) said: My slave has spoken the truth, there is no deity worthy of worship except for Myself and for Me is the Dominion and for Me is the Perfect Praise. And when he said, laa ilaaha il Allah wa la hawla wa la quwata ila billah—There is no deity worthy of worship except Allah and there is no might nor power except with Allah—He (Allah) said: My slave has spoken the truth: there is no deity worthy of worship except for Myself and there is no might nor power except with Me. Whoever is granted them (these words) during (the time of) his death, the fire will never touch him.” (Ibn Majah)


About the author


Amatullah is a student of the Qur’an and its language. She completed the 2007 Ta’leem program at Al-Huda Institute in Canada and studied Qur’an, Tajweed (science of recitation) and Arabic in Cairo. Through her writings, she hopes to share the practical guidance taught to us by Allah and His Messenger and how to make spirituality an active part of our lives. She has completed her undergraduate degree in Social Work and will be completing a Masters program in 2014. Her experiences include working with immigrant seniors, refugee settlement, and accessibility for people with disabilities.


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