Message for the Seekers of Guidance Lesson 3 (unedited)
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
وبه نستعين وصلاته وسلامه على من بعث رحمة للعالمين وآله وأصحابه أجمعين
Four Pillars of Sound Spirituality:
1. Sound Faith in General Sense
2. Sound Practice [respecting differences]
3. Sound Understanding
4. Sound Character
The Text:
The statement of ‘Ali [رضى الله عنه] “Be pleased with what Allah has intended for you.”
Abu Wafa bin ‘Uqail said, “Know that the mind’s happiness with the actions of the creator, Glorified is He the Most High, is more the most loyal type of worship, its most burdensome type and its most difficult.” Allah [The Most High] alerted us to the dangers of from feeling weak in front of difficulties when He said, “And perhaps you hate something and it is good for you, and perhaps you love something and it is bad for you.”
The Text
The statement of ‘Abdullah bin Masud [رضى الله عنه]
“Perform what Allah has obligated upon you and you will be of the most sincere worshipers.”
There are the known acts of servitude, but there are also acts of servitude based on one’s talents from the blessings Allah has bestowed upon them.
The talents may vary as Malik said, “Allah has spread actions amongst His servants like he spread provisions.”
The Text
The statement of ‘Ubadh to his son, “And pray as though this is your last prayer.”
Muslim bin Yasar al-Basari and his prayer:
Abdullah the son of Muslim bin Yasar mentioned that when his father wanted to pray it was those he was “straight as a pole; not moving back and forth.” It was said about him, “When he prayed it was like hanging clothes.”
Ibn Shwadhab said, “When Muslim wanted to pray he would say to his family, “Talk and carry, for I do not hear you.” Once he was praying and there was a fire in the mosque. He kept praying and when he was told about it he said, “I didn’t notice it.”
The student of Mansur bin Zadhan al-Thaqafi al-Wasiti said, “If someone told him the Angel of Death was at his door, he would not find increase in his actions.”
The Text
The statement of the Prophet “Those in with Allah on the Day of Resurrection are:
“The submissive, the humble, those fearful of [His punishment] and the one who constantly remembers Allah” Sh. Abu Ghuda stated that he did not find this hadith in any books of hadith.
Muadh bin Jabal said at the time of his death, “Oh Allah! You know that surely I would not love to stay in this life for the passing of a day, or the to plant trees. Nay but I would love to stay in order to strive in a long night in worship, to thirst at noon during a long hot day and meeting the scholars.”
Umar’s statement to Abu Musa, “We are in Prayer.”
The Text
“Avoid excessiveness and you will be safe.”
Imam al-Shafi [رحمه الله] said, “Four things increase the intellect: avoiding excess in speech, using miswak, sitting with the righteous and sitting with the scholars.”
The text
“I warn you of the supplication of the oppressed.”
The story of Yaha bin Khalid and his son J’afar who were punished by Harun Rashid. After a life of luxury J’afar complained to his father upon which his father said,
لعلها دعوة المظلوم…غفلنا عنها
“Perhaps it [is due] to the supplication of the oppressed…which we neglected”
Imam Abu Mansur al-Maturidi in the Face of Oppression
“Nuh bin Saman was an evil governor near Samarqand who lived in the 3rd century A.H. He decided to rebel against Samarqand’s leaders and her entire populous putting many in great harm. He dispatched a messenger to the leader of Samarqand to intimidate him. The leader called the scholars and noble men to listen and seek their consultation. Amongst them was the great scholar and Imam, Abu Mansur al-Maturidi. After listening to Nuh bin Saman’s messenger, al-Maturidi told him to deliver the following message to Nuh bin Saman:
زدنا ظلماً حتى نزيد في دعاء الليل
“Increase us in oppression until we increase our supplications in the night!”
The messenger left and a few days latter Nuh bin Saman was found dead.
In his side there was a spear and written on it was the following:
بغى وللبغي سهام تنتظر أتته من أيدي المنايا والقدر
“Oppressor! And for the oppressor is the arrow waiting.
Coming to him from death and destiny
سهام أيدي القانتات في السحر…………………………..
Arrows from the obedient women [supplicating] at dawn”
Salaam alaikm, are the recordings going to be put up?
Thank you and jazakumAllah alf khair. May people benefit from this until Youm Al-Qiyaama!
Yes, recordings should be up later today inshaAllah (it's 7am here right now).
Salaamun 'Alaykum, Are the notes going to be edited and put into PDF as before? If so, when should we expect that to be completed?
Salaamun 'Alaykum, Are the notes going to be edited and put into PDF as before? If so, when should we expect that to be completed?
Dear Sa'eed,
Asalamu alaykum:
May Allah reward you for your kind words. In all honesty all of our volunteers are overloaded. We are looking for people to edit the notes and PDF them; Looking for people to transcribe the talks, edit them and PDF them.
Al Salamu Alaykum,
I can do it inch'Allah Sheikh Suhaib. With pleasure…
Salaamun 'Alaykum wa Baarak Allaahu Feekum,
I would also like to offer my services in assisting with this effort. I've already benefitted so much from these classes. Feel free to contact me,
Salaamun 'Alaykum wa Baarak Allaahu Feekum,
I would also like to offer my services in assisting with this effort. I've already benefitted so much from these classes. Feel free to contact me,
I can help in editing notes and putting them in PDF format also. Maybe we can assign classes to diff people, so one person doesn't have to do all the work. Contact me if I can be of service :c)